FICA Stands Against Discrimination of Any Form in Cricket

17 November 2021

FICA Stands Against Discrimination of Any Form in Cricket

FICA Executive Chairman Heath Mills said:

“FICA has been disturbed to hear of players being subject to instances of racism and discrimination in recent months around the world.”

 “It’s clear our game needs to continue to do more to create a safe environment for people to participate, and also to speak out on discrimination. FICA commends the bravery of those who have shared their experiences and encourages any player who has suffered any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment, to contact their players’ association. FICA will continue to support the important work of its member players’ associations in this space.” “The game’s leadership must continue to listen and learn, and to do everything to ensure the rights of people in cricket are upheld. There can be no excuses, we must all come together, stand up and ensure all our people are safe.”

FICA Board Member Wavell Hinds said:

“Many of the issues that have come to light around the world recently demonstrate the lack of a coherent approach to issues of discrimination, and human rights issues, in cricket. They also demonstrate that players, collectively and individually, can be a powerful voice to change sport for the better.”

“FICA will be continuing to engage with the ICC and urging it to work with players, including through FICA, to imbed internationally recognised human rights frameworks in cricket. Players’ associations continue to play a critical role in ensuring player rights are protected, and ensuring that players in all countries are provided with a safe space to form and join players’ associations remains key to enabling this.”

“It’s time now for more action and less words.” 


Contact: Tom Moffat (
FICA is the world players’ body in cricket.
FICA is a democratic player-driven organisation that brings together the world’s ‘organised’ professional cricketers under an international body which focuses on matters that affect the players collectively, and the global game. Players who are members of a FICA member association are, by extension, also guaranteed the support of the other players’ associations in other countries.

FICA Structure
President – Vikram Solanki
Executive Chairman – Heath Mills
Chief Executive – Tom Moffat
FICA Board
Australian Cricketers’ Association – Todd Greenberg
Cricketers Welfare Association of Bangladesh – Debabrata Paul 
Dutch Cricketers’ Association – Paul Van Meekeren
Irish Cricketers’ Association – Cecelia Joyce
New Zealand Cricket Players’ Association – Heath Mills
Professional Cricketers’ Association (UK) – Rob Lynch
Scottish Cricketers’ Association – Alasdair Evans
South African Cricketers’ Association – Andrew Breetzke
West Indies Players’ Association – Wavell Hinds
Independent – Lisa Sthalekar
Independent – Tony Irish
For further information please contact