FICA Responds to Reports of an Indian Players’ Association


For Immediate Release
7 May 2019

FICA Responds to Reports of an Indian Players’ Association
FICA is encouraged by reports that formation of an Indian players’ association has been accepted by the Committee of Administrators (CoA), and will be established in the coming months. The existence of a body that can collectively represent the players in India, the world’s biggest cricket economy, is an important step forward for the game.

Professional cricket is a short term and precarious career path. Players’ associations around the world, in cricket and across sports, work tirelessly to provide services for players, including health, wellbeing, education and support services that can assist players during their careers and in their transition out of the game at the end of their careers. Players’ associations also play a role in ensuring that the players have a voice in important decisions that affect them.

Tony Irish, FICA Executive Chairman, said:

“FICA continues to offer its support to players and authorities in India in the establishment and recognition of a players’ association.  We, and our member players’ associations, are always willing to share our learnings and to assist in establishing best practices for cricket in various countries around the world.”

“It is critical that players are involved in the development and governance of any association set up to collectively represent them, in order to ensure its effectiveness. We would welcome a player-established Indian cricketers’ association, which meets our membership and minimum standards requirements, into FICA and as part of the global collective of the world’s cricketers.”

The Federation of International Cricketers Associations (FICA) is the global players’ representative body in cricket, protecting and promoting the interests of professional cricketers throughout the world. FICA was established in 1998 to co-ordinate the activities of all national players’ associations. FICA is a democratic player-driven organisation and it brings together the world’s cricketers, past and present, regardless of nationality, religion, political persuasion or race under an international body which focuses on matters that directly or indirectly affect the players, collectively and individually.

FICA Structure
President – Vikram Solanki
Executive Chairman – Tony Irish
Chief Operating Officer – Tom Moffat

FICA Board
Australian Cricketers’ Association – Alistair Nicholson
Cricketers Welfare Association of Bangladesh – Debabrata Paul
Irish Cricketers’ Association – Cecelia Joyce
New Zealand Cricket Players’ Association – Heath Mills
Professional Cricketers’ Association (UK) – David Leatherdale
Scottish Cricketers’ Association – Alasdair Evans
South African Cricketers’ Association – Tony Irish
Sri Lankan Cricketers’ Association – Ken De Alwis
West Indies Players’ Association – Wavell Hinds
Independent – Lisa Sthalekar

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