The Federation of International Cricketers’ Associations (FICA) today responded to the outcomes of this week’s ICC meetings in Dubai.
“Decisions made at this critical juncture are not only significant for the future of the game, but also impact directly, and indirectly, on players around the world” said FICA Executive Chairman Tony Irish.
Financial Model
In regard to the ICC’s financial model, FICA welcomes the unwinding of the ‘Big Three’ financial arrangement which promoted the interests of three countries above everyone else.
“FICA hopes that this will lead to greater financial clarity, consistency and transparency across all countries” said Irish. “The global game needs as many countries as possible to be economically healthy, but it will now be equally important to ensure that all countries apply sufficient resource to ensuring that their teams are competitive and that they are able to retain their best players in international cricket.”
In regard to the ICC’s governance, FICA welcomes the shift in the ICC’s constitution and governance structures, but believes changes should go further.
“We will continue to urge the ICC to make those changes necessary to ensure that it becomes a truly independent global governing body, making decisions for the good of the global game” said Irish.
International Structure
FICA notes that no decisions have been taken relating to new competition structures for the three formats of the men’s game and on a global scheduling framework.
“This is a critical time in the game for a new global playing structure and framework” said Irish. “This structure must provide the right balance between international cricket and domestic T20 leagues, and accommodate clear trends in the global player employment market and the global cricket economy. The discussions on this at the ICC have been going on for some time now and I can’t emphasise enough how important it is for players that a better structure is finalised. FICA continues to urge the ICC to prioritise this issue.”
FICA also notes the ongoing work by the ICC Women’s Committee in developing and evolving clear competition structures for women’s cricket.
FICA commends the ICC for committing to pay outstanding salaries for the national contracted players of Nepal while the Cricket Association of Nepal is suspended.
“FICA hopes that the ICC and Member Boards will take a similar approach in relation to the significant amounts which are due to players around the world for playing in events sanctioned by the ICC and/or Member Boards” said Irish.
“FICA and our member players’ associations have an important role to play, on behalf of all of the players we represent around the world, in working with key stakeholders in international cricket and domestic leagues and competitions to move the game forward in a positive way.”
FICA Media Release