FICA Releases Men’s Employment Report 2017


For Immediate Release
12 April 2018

FICA Releases Men’s Employment Report 2017
The Federation of International Cricketers’ Associations (FICA) today released its Men’s Professional Cricket Global Employment Report 2017.The Employment Report, covering the 2016/17 report period, is based on analysis of significant statistical data research, including quantitative and qualitative surveying of more than 300 current professional and international players from all nine FICA member countries.

The Employment Report is the first of its kind in cricket and follows FICA’s International Cricket Structural Review from 2016. The Employment Report focuses on the shifting employment landscape for players globally, as a key cause for, and effect of, change in the game, and also analyses player employment at individual country by country level across major cricketing countries and those with players’ associations.

The Report provides further evidence of significant issues for players and the game raised by FICA previously, and acts as a benchmark against which FICA will continue to measure the shifting of the game’s professional player landscape and important employment issues.

FICA’s Women’s Global Employment Report 2017 is currently being finalized and will be released in the coming months.

Tony Irish, Executive Chairman of FICA said:
“Players are at the forefront of the future success of the game and, in addition to its obligation to safeguard and protect their career paths and fundamental employment rights, FICA has an obligation to the future health and success of the global game.”

“FICA’s Employment Report 2017 highlights key issues for players and their careers in both the different employment markets and in the different cricket countries. Many of these issues and many of the decisions made by players are key driving factors of the direction in which the game is moving. Addressing them coherently requires both global and local domestic action.”

Vikram Solanki, FICA President said:
“FICA continues to closely monitor changes in the game and in particular the player employment market. The landscape is shifting fast, and the players will continue to be at the forefront of this. Players’ rights need to be protected and their views and decisions should be central to the game’s decision makers”

To access a copy of the Report please CLICK HERE


The Federation of International Cricketers’ Associations (FICA) was established in 1998 to co-ordinate the activities of all national players’ associations which protect the interests of professional cricketers throughout the world. It brings together the world’s cricketers, regardless of nationality, religion, political persuasion or race, under an international body focused on matters of general interest to the game and its players.FICA Structure
President – Vikram Solanki
Executive Chairman – Tony Irish
Chief Operating Officer – Tom MoffatFICA Board
Australian Cricketers’ Association – Alistair Nicholson
Cricketers Welfare Association of Bangladesh – Debabrata Paul
Irish Cricketers’ Association – Pending
New Zealand Cricket Players’ Association – Heath Mills
Professional Cricketers’ Association (UK) – David Leatherdale
Scottish Cricketers’ Association – Pending
South African Cricketers’ Association – Tony Irish
Sri Lankan Cricketers’ Association – Ken De Alwis
West Indies Players’ Association – Wavell Hinds
Independent – Lisa Sthalekar
Independent – Graeme Smith

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