Bravo bats for more $$ for sports women

Captain of the T&T Red Steel Dwayne Bravo is not pleased with the terms and conditions laid out for women in sport.

As a consequence, he is advocating for the present imbalance to become a thing of the past.

Starting with better conditions for female athletes, Bravo also raised concerns about their financial incentives and declared the time had come for women to receive better pay packets.

In a T&T Guardian interview, Bravo said he believes more could and should be done for women. “You have conversations with the women’s football team and the women’s netball team…I mean, they are representing the country. They are giving their heart and soul, yet still they have to balance their jobs with the sport. They already don’t get paid well, and it’s unfair for them.”

Bravo said: “We as men, maybe, get pay better, I think. But regardless of what gender, I believe you should be paid properly if you are representing your country, because you are putting your life and your body on the line. To me sports women don’t get treated properly and this is not only in T&T. but throughout (the world). I think they need to look at women’s sport a lot more seriously.”

Commenting on the present state of women’s cricket in the West Indies, the team leader said he was not pleased.

Bravo declared being both “embarrassed” and in a “state of shock” over the state of women’s cricket in the region.

“The quality of the cricket? I mean… It’s showing in TV and stuff! It’s just not nice for the eyes. I don’t want to comment too much on it because I (will) really have to get into details. That’s why most times I get in problems,” he ended.

Taken from the Trinidad Guardian