West Indies Championship 2024 Official Standings

Guyana defeat WI Academy


RankTeamsMatchesWinLossTieDrawAbandonedMatch pointsBonus PointsTotal Points
1Windward Islands Volcanoes3300003626.262.2
2Leeward islands Hurricanes3210002421.645.6
3Barbados Pride3210002419.843.8
4Jamaica Scorpions3120001217.629.6
5Trinidad and Tobago Red Force3110101512.627.6
6Guyana Harpy Eagles3110101511.426.4
7West Indies Academy312000121224
8Combined Campuses Colleges303000014.614.6

at the end of matches played during the 3rd Round – 24th Feb 2024


Completed Match Points

Outright win: 12 + batting + bowling points earned

Tie: 6 points each team + batting + bowling points

No outright winner: 3 points+ batting and bowling points

In the event of a match being abandoned without any play having taken place one (1) point each.

Referee Awarding Match Points: Team Match Awarded to 12

Bonus Points

Bonus Points awarded only for performances in the first 110 overs of each first innings and retained whatever the result of the match.

a) A maximum of five batting points to be available as under:

250 to 299 runs……………………………………………2 points

300 to 349 runs …………………………………………. 3 points

350 to 399 runs …………………………………………. 4 points

400 to 449 runs …………………………………………. 5 points

b) A maximum of three bowling points to be available as under:

3 to 5 wickets taken…………………………………….1 point

6 to 8 wickets taken…………………………………… 2 points

9 to 10 wickets taken…………………………………. 3 points

CWI [https://www.windiescricket.com/news/]